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Centralised Investment Proposition
At Dominion Financial Management, we believe that selecting individual funds, or even deciding which areas of the world someone should invest in, is not the key role of an adviser. This may sound odd, as you would expect investments to form a part of financial planning and, of course, they do. We think the adviser’s job is not to pick funds but to ensure the level of risk within a portfolio or investment is in line with each individual client’s approach to risk, their tolerance to losses and their personal financial objectives.
Therefore, we believe investment management is best left to Professional investment managers. They have dedicated resources that focus solely on suitable investments, unrivalled access to economic data and research and the ability to make investments into areas that neither advisers nor their clients can access. These Investment Managers provide a variety of solutions that we can employ to match our client’s requirements.
We do, however, put great emphasis on the research, selection, due diligence, and review of the most suitable Investment Managers and their solutions that we will partner with. The factors we incorporate into that research include:
Investment performance – What is the historical performance of their portfolios against their benchmarks?
Investment Process – Is their investment process and the subsequent outcomes consistent throughout the business and match our expectations?
Risk Management – Is how they manage risk internally, compatible with our views and appropriate for the clients we introduce to them?
Suitability – Is their investment service suitable for those clients that they engage with, and will they relate to each other?
Transparency & Clarity – Are the fees they charge clear and appropriate for the service?
Service, support, reporting, and communication
Can we engage easily with them?
Are they accessible?
Do they provide comprehensive and clear reporting information to us and our mutual clients/
Are our clients comfortable and happy with the relationship?
Value and cost – Are fees reasonable, in line with client expectations, and do they provide value?
Ethos – Do they have ideals and an ethos that matches our own and our clients?
To this end we have established an “Investment Committee” who meet regularly to ensure we are managing the above criteria which is core to our offering. We call this our Centralised Investment Proposition.
Investing and Sustainability
Investing Statement
Central and crucial to achieving our client’s goals is the application and success of the appropriate Investment proposition. However, it is important to action any personal considerations our clients have expressed and wish to have considered when constructing their investment portfolio.
We fundamentally believe that we can all try to make our world a better and more sustainable place, both for ourselves and the generations that follow. This can be achieved in many ways but as Financial Advisers we have the opportunity to help our clients make an impact via the Investments we recommend, that can reflect their sustainability aspirations whilst also achieving their financial goals.
We endeavour to apply our principles across the board in what we do as well what we recommend to our clients.
What was called “The Ethical Investment” landscape has evolved over the years and a more progressive, integrated approach has developed which we will generally refer to as Investing for Sustainability. We believe sustainability concerns, along with financial needs, can be brought together as part of overall financial planning to try to achieve a positive impact. Working with our investment partners, we endeavour to deliver a comprehensive service that fulfils clients’ financial requirements but also satisfies their sustainability views and aspirations.
The Sustainability Investment spectrum ranges from clients who may not wish to consider Sustainability as part of their investment decisions (perhaps because their investment time-line is very short, they are investing for a specific target purpose or they may have no interest whatsoever) to clients who are committed to achieving the best Sustainability outcomes with their capital.
We do recognise that this can be quite a complex area for clients, but it is our duty to identify, understand, support and enable our clients’ sustainability related needs and preferences. We will try to help understand and articulate their needs as best we can through our process.
A useful point of reference would be the to read the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. It provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
More detailed information on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is available to read here.
This also sets out the aforementioned United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) which are used by some Investment Managers (or aspects of) to provide a framework for their Investment Solutions.
Investing Solutions
The investment solutions we primarily employ to help our clients achieve their goals fall into 2 categories.
Model Portfolios
Model portfolios are a cost-effective way of accessing a professionally managed diversified group of assets designed to achieve an expected return with a corresponding risk. Ideally, each portfolio has a combination of managed investments based on extensive research. These portfolios blend asset classes, investment managers d investment strategies to achieve diversification.
We access these solutions for clients via our chosen Investment Platform on which their assets are held. This provides an efficient and secure environment where these assets can be invested actively but in a cost effective manner.
We liaise with our chosen Discretionary Investment Managers to offer a variety of portfolios to correspond with our clients’ financial goals and objectives.
Bespoke Discretionary Investment Management
Bespoke Investment Management is a far more personalised discretionary investment service where the client receives:
A very personal approach with a service tailored to their individual investment and tax needs
Their own dedicated Investment Manger with face to face reviews should they want them
A Team approach, always someone there
Ultimate responsibility with their IM
Access to a far greater universe of investment vehicles – Direct Equities Investment Trusts
Reduced costs due to buying power and direct equity investment
Real individual finger on the pulse and active portfolio management, giving the flexibility to rapidly respond to and take advantage of market changes
Added value to client’s portfolio without exposing them to the bias of a single investment style
Will work with their professional advisers’ accountants’ solicitors
Will work to their outlooks: Sustainable – Ethical - Income – Growth
Will incorporate existing holdings seamlessly. The facility to accommodate treasured assets without compromising portfolio objectives or asset allocation
Tax efficient, effective capital gains tax (CGT) management, including the in-specie transfer of existing investments and controlled disposal within the client’s annual CGT allowance
Get in touch with us today here.
Dominion Financial Management Ltd are a team of independent financial advisers based in Cheshire.
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, no. 763604
We are a registered company in England and Wales, no. 09427666
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained within this page is correct, these notes are by necessity brief and of a generalised nature. We would recommend and provide specific personalised independent financial advice and investment advice prior to finalising any arrangement with you.
A pension is a long term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend on the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates, and tax legislation. This article is intended to provide a general appreciation of the topic, and it is not advice.
Your information is treated as confidential by us and held in accordance with our privacy policy.